About Us
QGE Group has grown steadily since its beginnings as QGE in 2010. Along the way we have continually developed our capabilities in order to do more for our customers, and our investments in our people, technologies and engineering know-how have seen the group expand into our current market-leading position in specialist areas.
Our people are at the core of what we do and who we are as a company. Brief profiles of our management team are below, but our real strength is in the diverse knowledge and expertise of the engineering teams who deliver for our customers. Give us a call to discuss your needs and we’ll make sure we get the right people working on your projects.

Michael DAY
General Manager, Renewables and Energy
Dip Proj Man, BE, MIEAUST, CPEng, RPEQ
Mike is an electrical project engineer with multidiscipline experience across the resources, pharmaceutical, agricultural and food and beverage sectors. His passion is in helping our clients to identify opportunities to save money by optimising the way they access and use energy, and implementing the solutions to make the savings happen, which makes him the perfect candidate to head up our energy management service offering.

Gareth Talamini
Gareth is an electrical engineer with 20 years’ experience who currently specialises in avoiding actual engineering by virtue of heading up QGE Group’s Extend Training and Ex-Online offerings, which keep him fairly busy. Gareth’s passions are in communication (translation between Engineering, IT and Civilian English is lately a particular focus area) and in finding new ways to harness technology to deliver efficiency in a competitive global marketplace. Gareth sits on Australian Standards committee MS-066 (competency standards for electrical equipment for hazardous areas).

Michael Schmidtchen
BE(Hons), MIEAust, CPEng, RPEQ, Accredited Hazardous Area Installation Auditor
Mike has 25 years’ experience in diverse engineering and management roles. An authority on general electrical design, lighting and BCA compliance, as well as an accredited hazardous area installation auditor, Mike’s attention to detail and focus on quality ensures that our team delivers the service our clients need.

Accredited Hazardous Area Installation Auditor
With 20 years’ experience in engineering and management across a wide range of industries, Paul is a recognised authority on explosion protection and on electrical design generally. His is the brain we pick when we’ve got a tricky one. The surprising thing, given how clever the guy is, is that he speaks like a normal person and doesn’t wear a pocket protector.

Cris Kerrison
BE, FIEAust, CPEng, IntPE(Aus), RPEQ, Accredited Hazardous Area Installation Auditor
Cris has 30 years’ experience in electrical engineering and management, and has held senior positions in large engineering firms. At QGE he is much closer to the coal face and is able to put his talents to use delivering for customers. Cris is one of Australia’s foremost authorities on hazardous areas and explosion protection and regularly presents at conferences and events on the subject.
Head Office
Head Office
Level 1, 99 Melbourne Street
South Brisbane QLD 4101